Thursday, 1 October 2009

A Contradiction

I spent last weekend at Stockport Story Museum working with some of the audience development team and some local young people to create an installation. The installation is to be part of the the Urban Revolution: We Are Here exhibition that opens on the 10th November. The exhibition has been created and curated by the young people who volunteer at the museum.

The installation has been designed to show the young peoples' reactions to headlines in the media; the headlines are the sort that label all young people as bad and highlight the negative. The sculpture is designed to concentrate on the positive and as it happens the majority.

The first day was spent experimenting with different types of sculpture, we started with wire:

Then moved on to wood:

And finally clay:

The idea was to choose what materials everyone would like to use the following day for their sculptures. We also chose to use tree cross sections and branches to represent the new knowledge gained by the people who have visited the exhibition.
This is the final installation:

And some close ups of the individual sculptures that were made:

I really enjoyed my time at the Museum, it's a great place to visit and everyone was welcoming. I'm really pleased with the sculptures and the installation and can't wait to see it in the exhibition.

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