Monday, 29 June 2009

Saturday Creative Club IV

This week was my last Creative Club with Borderland Voices. I'm really sad to leave the group but am really happy with all the things that they have learnt. Julie was here to help today and all the girls had some useful hints to help her with her wire sculpture. This is what she came up with...

We decided to make different things this week so we had some wonderful different designs. Ashleigh had finished off her horse at home and brought him/her in for us to see...

She also put some paper onto her Dragonfly's wings which looks great!

Then she made this lizzard...(again thanks to Paul for providing us with the background)

And then this for Tip our little visitor...

Holly made this brilliant elephant...

and quickly put together this bird for her Mum...

Aber spent a lot of time on this rabbit and I think it was really worth the effort...

And quickly made this tiny frog before having to go...

I made a little Tip sculpture too. I really enjoyed my workshops with Borderland Voices, thank you for having me!

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