Friday 1 November 2013

First Steps Final Workshop

Today was the last day of the workshops and we finished the sculpture! A few adjustments and an addition of extra details ...

Then we were done!

I'm really pleased with how well the workshops went and how much work the girls got done. The skills have really improved from the first day.

We have come up with a name for the piece 'Pregnant and Proud: Unconditional Love' and we will keep the blog updated with news of the exhibition.

First Steps

It was the second to last day of the wire sculpture workshops and things are really starting to come together. There was a slight change of plan for the feet and the face took a new turn, we even have a baby to add to the sculpture now.

By the end of the day we could see real progress, so we are hopefully going to reach our target of a finished sculpture by the end of tomorrow, with hopefully a bit of time left over to make some decisions about the exhibition.