Friday, 17 July 2009

Moorside High School

I went in to Moorside High School this week to help some year 8 pupils make sculptures for the Science garden at the school.

We started the morning off with some stick men to get used to the new materials and find different ways of working with the wire...

We then moved on to some sculptures for the garden, the pupils were given a few hints about how to start with these flowers but the rest they made up themselves and they came up with some really great ideas...

Then in the afternoon we moved on to bugs, some of the bugs were based on pictures that had been brought in and others were completely made up...

These sculptures are going to look great decorating the walls of the garden, they can be secured into the ground or attached to a trellis. They could also be painted with spray paints to add a bit of colour, but I quite like them as they are.